

Your Digital Manufacturing Transformation Out-of-the-Box.

FactoryWorx Excelerate Program. A Flawless Integration of Technology, Process and People.

The impact of technology is best measured by customer expectations. Manufacturing has become a constantly accelerating race towards excellence in operational processes to deliver consistent quality and customer satisfaction more profitably. Digital manufacturing transformation is inevitable. And now, there is a powerful shortcut, FactoryWorx Excelerate.​

What is FactoryWorx ExcelerateTM Program

FactoryWorx ExcelerateTM a unique program developed by FactoryWorx that enables manufacturers to accelerate digital transformation and simultaneously embeds Continuous Improvement in the organisation. It is an Industry 4.0 in-a-box solution making the daunting imperative of digital manufacturing transformation to Industry 4.0 simple, fast and extremely affordable.


Starting with automation or looking for a holistic MES Solution? Start Here.

Why Continuous Improvement is the Key to Success in Industry 4.0

The future of manufacturing is now synonymous with connected IoT technologies, smarter software, and better skilled workforce. It is an endurance race in ability to change, adaptability and continuous improvement. Participation is not optional.

Continuous Improvement is the foundation of a sound manufacturing strategy that integrates people, knowledge and technology. The key to success in digital transformation is how people at all levels of operations and management are able to leverage the new technology to drive customer satisfaction.

The real value of Industry 4.0, i.e. digital transformation is that the decisions and activity that determined the winning quality and efficiency through Continuous Improvement in old systems, are now easier, faster and cheaper to do. The stronger the culture of Continuous Improvement, the stronger the potential for technology to deliver truly competitive outcomes on the bottom line.

Discover how FactoryWorx ExcelerateTM makes digital transformation easier to adopt, with faster pay-off and lasting impact.

FactoryWorx ExcelerateTM Makes Digital Transformation Simple.

FactoryWorx ExcelerateTM is a revolutionary approach to fast adoption of Industry 4.0. it is packaged, based on our knowledge of the Industry 4.0 with essential elements that will rapidly enable you to:

  • Deploy your industry 4.0 technology.
  • Get access to Analytics.
  • Use Predictive analytics to save costs.
  • Connect your business strategy.
  • Get people on board with training.
  • Implement automated People collaboration: Teams, Projects.
  • Imbed Continuous Improvement automation and training.

We believe that Industry 4.0 adoption must be made easy, cost effective, and fast. The existing technologies we use in conjunction with FactoryWorxTM MES software, are designed for minimal installation requirement and therefore, speed of deployment.

While many vendors will make Industry 4.0 overly complex to justify premium price tag, we have adopted the philosophy principles of the Industry 4.0 to build an easy to deploy package approach: Industry 4.0 In-a-Box.

Gain Instant Benefits of FactoryWorx ExcelerateTM:

Get Fast Payback

See your results quickly with low monthly subscription, you can instantly as expense. No waiting for ROI on capex.

Gain the Support of Self-Driving Software

With IIoT connectivity, machine learning and predictive analytics you gain software as your advisor, not an extra chore.

Free-up Management Time

With digitised, efficient paperless operations, more time for management to add value and focus on strategy.

Easy & Fast to Implement

FactoryWorx software can be deployed in hours with retrofit on existing equipment using sensors. See your operations instantly. No extra cost of wiring

No Disruptions to Production

Easy, plug-and-play deployment minimises any disruptions. No wiring, no extra equipment, no need for maintenance resources.

Easily Upskilled Workforce

With central, paperless knowledge and training, employees have instant access to How-to skills and developing Continuous Improvement culture.

Better Management Performance

With more time and better data visibility, management can leverage their skills to build better workforce and innovation.

Better Workforce Performance

Empowered, more skilled and confident workforce actively drives productivity and brand reputation.

Features and Benefits of FactoryWorx ExcelerateTM

Package FeaturesExcelerateTM Fast StartExcelerateTM Next Level
o Cloud Based
o On Premises (Buy Outright)
o Standard Reporting
o AI Enabled
o Strategic Management (CI)
o Preventative | Predictive Maintenance
oRapid Integration (Sensors)
oData/Analytics Ready in Days
oAccess to Predictive Analytics
oAutomated Team & KPI Management
Pricing From:$$

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