

Your Success with Intelligent MES Technology

Many Industries. One Mission.

To gain a lasting competitive advantage in your Industry, you need software solution that meets three fundamental technology criteria. It solves your challenges and shows ROI fast, is simple to deploy and use, and has built-in scalability for future growth. This will account for 80 percent of your success. FactoryWorx delivers this and, with our holistic approach to service and support, also the extra 20 percent that drives your competitive advantage.

FactoryWorx. The Difference that Matters.

When it comes to technology, there are legacy systems and there is the paradigm shift that offers instant, easy, out-of-the-box transformation and a big window of opportunity for your business. It’s FactoryWorx  advanced MES solution.

FactoryWorx is a fresh breed of a MES (Manufacturing Execution System) solutioneering, having emerged out of the Industry 4.0 philosophy. With focus on connectivity and collaboration between systems, people and machines, FactoryWorx platform has leapfrogged the cost and compromise associated with legacy systems.


Starting with automation or looking for a holistic MES Solution? Start Here.

How we do it?

Simply Designed with your sucess in mind.


Native IIoT solution designed to solve current and emerging challenges of your industry.


World-class software designed for rapid deployment, supported by a specialist Partner Ecosystem to drive your success faster.


Designed for leadership in your markets with rapid response and innovation.


Instant, non-disruptive, out-of-the-box deployment. Adapt operations instantly to changing market needs.


IIoT-driven Value Chain integration focus for instant collaboration of people, systems and machines.


You can see results quickly with profit-driving efficiency of even one Module.


Industry Sectors We Serve.

FactoryWorx has a single focus: to build an ecosystem in which our intelligent MES technology can deliver exceptional results to companies of all sizes in industry sectors we serve.

FMCG Manufacturing

Mining Execution System (MES)

For this agile and cost driven sector of manufacturing automation is not new. But increasingly, FMCG manufacturers of all sizes, rely on more intelligent automation to curb the insane competitiveness and speed of the industry. To address internal challenges and market trends that call for variety, personalisation and low prices, only  the next gen of MES will do. With FactoryWorx  Industry 4.0 MES and beyond. We can take you there.

FMCG Manufacturing

For this agile and cost driven sector of manufacturing automation is not new. But increasingly, FMCG manufacturers of all sizes, rely on more intelligent automation to curb the insane competitiveness and speed of the industry. To address internal challenges and market trends that call for variety, personalisation and low prices, only  the next gen of MES will do. With FactoryWorx  Industry 4.0 MES and beyond. We can take you there.

FMCG Manufacturing
Dairy Manufacturing

Dairy Manufacturing

Your industry is about speed, quality and compliance. Today, consistent quality products must be instantly traceable from responsibly sourced ingredients to the end customer.

There is no room to hide. Your brand reputation and business survival depend on meeting changing market trends, customer demands and compliance cost effectively. Automation of production visibility, inventory control and traceability are essential to profitability and survival.

Building & Architectural Products Manufacturing

Global competition, production costs and consistent product quality are some of the key challenges for your industry. Intelligent automation systems that reduce the cost of labour and get higher quality output  with lower costs are the start. Leaders begin to move into AI to gain a more drastic advantage.

Building & Architectural Products Manufacturing
Small manufacturing

Small Manufacturing

Modern manufacturing is complex. While automation is essential in all  sectors, it is a do-or-die for small manufacturing operations. It is the only way to control cost and availability of people, equipment, and stock. Automation also  protects your brand through quality control and compliance.

Our intelligent MES software gives manufacturers full control and a 360-degree view of their operations and their entire Value Chain. And you can get started with one game changing FactoryWorx MES Module at a time.

Bakery Manufacturing

Consistent product quality, recipe management, stock and equipment availability are some of the daily issues you can automate for peace of mind and better ROI with our Modular solutions. How about compliance and traceability? Easy. Out-of-the-box.

Bakery Manufacturing
Warehousing & Distribution

Warehousing & Distribution

Warehousing and distribution are the most critical part of the Value Chain. Production downtime due to stock shortage or poor delivery record, can result in loss of millions of  dollars in cost and lost revenue.

So, whether you pick-pack-ship or provide complex fulfilment services for clients you need full visibility of your operations. Our intelligent software provides control, fast ROI and customer satisfaction.

Companies We Have Helped

Our Clients

We are helping a growing family of clients achieve significant business benefits. All our customers, both global manufacturing brands and fast-growing innovative companies, have recognised that the challenges of the Industry 4.0 cannot be solved with old thinking.

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Our Partners

We are helping a growing family of clients achieve significant business benefits. All our customers, both global manufacturing brands and fast-growing innovative companies, have recognised that the challenges of the Industry 4.0 cannot be solved with old thinking.

Today, more than ever, collaboration is key to success for your business as well as the entire value chain including end customer. To facilitate this success, FactoryWorx partners with companies that already contribute to their clients’ success and share our commitment to quality and customer service across a range of products, solutions and services.

Hardware | Sensors | Lean Consulting | Training | Continuous Improvement Consulting |

Partnering with FactoryWorx is an opportunity to create new value for your clients  and to add a new dimension to your business and to be part of our solution.

value concepts
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Find out what FactoryWorx can do for YOU!

Want to see how it works and what it can do for your company?
Schedule a tailored DEMO with our Expert.

FactoryWorx Solves Problems for People like YOU.

Manufacturing automation that drives success of the whole operation is often the responsibility of a company-wide team of experts. However, the challenges may come from different functions or become a priority for different job roles. Consequently, our conversations with new clients may start in any of these departments.

By Function You Are:

  • Production Manager
  • Plant Manager
  • Engineering Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Production Engineer
  • IT Manager | CIO
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • Quality Manager | QA Manager
  • Continuous Improvement Project Manager
  • CEO | Managing Director
  • Or Transformation Make-it-Happen Magician

By Issue You Are Looking For:

  •  OEE management and reporting
  • Paperless operations and reporting
  • Complete MES solution
  • Production Software that integrates with ERP
  • Integrations with specialist equipment, checking, weighing and printing systems
  • Recipe management
  • Quality management automation
  • Smarter Labour management
  • Print and Labelling management
  • Traceability solution
  • Dashboards and data visibility
  • Lean tools and automation, Production line automation, Inventory management automation
  • Logistics and distribution system
  • Industry 4.0 solution
  • Digitised Smart Factory
  • AI capability
  • Predictive Planning
  • Predictive Maintenance and Asset management
  • Energy management


We Have the Solution


Fully optimised production planning, visibility, control.


Measure and gain instant real-time insight into important data.


Automated, instantly measurable quality across a matrix of factors.


Instant visibility of component and product status, quantity and location.


Seamlessly integrates with major ERP and known business systems.


Industry 4.0 enabled, real time production environment visibility.


Control product progress/cost from components to despatch.


Faster, always accurate and reliable digital factory operations.


Lean starts with no down-time preventative maintenance.


Just plug in and action insights to reduce cost and your footprint.


Optimise yield on equipment and stock for maximum


Empower people to see the bigger picture, their progress and support.


Test FactoryWorx Core Modules in Your Operations

Try Before You Buy. Adopting new, advanced MES, Manufacturing Execution System, whether as a single function or entire Industry 4.0 transformation, is a major business commitment. It’s not just cost, but also potential disruptions, increased workloads and a steep learning curve. Not with FactoryWorx!


Energy Management
production Planning


OEE Reporting


Manufacturing Dashboard

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